honey hot chocolate

I found this recipe four years ago thanks to a beloved youtube channel. After you try this comfort recipe you can explore all the other cozy options offered. Or just enjoy watching the process.

Snacks That Spark Joy

INSTRUCTIONS: Sit down and make a list of things, events, people, etc. that have been making you warm lately. Try and make it range in energy level (ex. lying on the floor and listening to Lorde vs hiking around Joshua Tree)Once you've gathered this list, separate the points into three sections: appetizer, entree, and dessert. Feel free to add a bevy section accordingly.The appetizer section is for low energy/low commitment joys. These are great pick-me-ups. Entree joys are more committed but deeply fulfilling. You may have to set aside time to engage with these joys or prep beforehand. Dessert joys are saccharine "guilty pleasures" that you set aside as a treat. They may be big or small but work best in small doses.Next time you're feeling down or just need to halt, look through your snacks that spark joy and feed your soul.